You don’t have to go to the dealership service center to keep your car in warranty!
Drive on up to The Muffler Shop, and we’ll print out your specific car’s manufacturer’s scheduled maintenance requirements just like they are specified in the owner’s manual. And then compare our prices for your 30,000/60,000/90,000 mile scheduled maintenance service and see how we can do it for LESS!
If you don’t have your car manufacturer’s scheduled maintenance requirements the following document is a helpful list of standard items you should schedule for regular maintenance intervals. – CLICK HERE
The Muffler Shop
1334 Fairport Road
Fairport NY, 14450
(585) 377-5610
Please Call To Schedule Your Next Service
MON-FRI: 7:30AM - 6:00PM
SAT: 8:00AM - 4:00PM